“HUMOR VIRAL” is a book that brings together the finest cartoons drawn during the confinement times by the graphic humorist and artist Ferran Martín. These illustrations, compiled chronologically, humorously portrayed the epidemic of the Coronavirus on a daily basis. They were widely spread on social media, forming the most comprehensive graphic summary of the circumstances caused by the Covid-19 crisis.

Viral Humor Story
In December 2019, the presence of a virus, the Coronavirus 2 of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, was identified in the Wuhan region of China. It is believed that this virus passed from animals (perhaps a bat, or maybe a pangolin…) to humans.
Initially, the local media barely gave proper attention to this event, as they were engrossed in reporting on petty local political squabbles. More journalism, they call it.
The highly contagious disease rapidly spread, and by the end of January 2020, it transcended the boundaries of Asian countries, progressively affecting other continents.
Then, overwhelmed by the number of infections, the phenomenon shifted from being considered a mere flu outbreak to a planetary epidemic, a pandemic.
What happened next is well known: outbreaks everywhere, hurriedly assembled field hospitals, madness over toilet paper, countless preventive measures, hand sanitizers, masks, lockdowns, applause for healthcare workers, phased de-escalation… All of us (yes, you too) experienced the consequences of Covid-19 to varying degrees. Currently, there is still no specific effective treatment to combat this virus… So, all that remains is Humor to help us cope.
This book is the illustrated diary of a graphic humorist who portrayed the morbid twist of fate played by the Coronavirus through satirical cartoons.
HUMOR VIRAL ya está disponible en la tienda on-line de @ainhoarpide (Ibuks de Papel).
Ahí lo dejo.#HumorViral #viñetas #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Gr6W0zCxB9— Ferran Martín (@ferranmartin) July 20, 2020
Who is Ferran Martín?
Ferran Martín published his first drawings in El Viejo Topo and some publications dedicated to tourism. In 1992, he sent some originals to Radio Barcelona with caricatures of the hosts of the program El Terrat, by Andreu Buenafuente. The drawings were well-received, and he was asked to create a website that also featured his illustrations.
He has collaborated with various media, including Mala Impresión, El Batracio Amarillo, Amaníaco, El Virus Mutante, ARA, AVUI, El Viejo Topo, and several online platforms. He has illustrated for several publishers (Grup Promotor, Santillana, RBA), advertising agencies, official organizations, served as a humor scriptwriter for radio and TV, and collaborated with various audiovisual production companies (such as El Terrat).
His cartoons have been compiled in different books, with the anthology CATACRACK (Efadós) standing out. He has also contributed to the books published by Angle Editorial, such as Enfoteu-vos-en! (2012), Fins als Borbons! (2013), and La gran fàbrica d’independentistes, as well as those published by Editorial Efadós, including Any d’estelades (2012), Any de sobres (2013), and Any de consulta (2014). In 2003, he published a collection of his works in the book “Mundo Pequeñín,” with a foreword by Andreu Buenafuente.
He has participated in several exhibitions and received multiple awards, including the 2nd prize for drawing at the 6th Mostra d’Arts Plàstiques de la Generalitat (1987), the national “Joven y Brillante de Humor Gráfico” award (1998), 1st prize in the Humor Contest of the newspaper 20Minutos (2003), and the 3rd prize in the 1st contest on “Labor Rights” (Barcelona) in 2015.
Ferran maintains an active presence on social media, and we encourage you to follow him as he often surprises us with his cartoons
Currently, he collaborates with the magazine El Jueves and the TV program Els Matins de TV3.
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